Welcome to my webpage and blog.
I don’t know how often I will post here since people tend to be more on social media than webpages.
So, for people that doesn’t know me and because I don’t have an “about” page here, let me tell you some stuff about me: I’ve been working as a professional comic artist since 2010. All really small indie stuff, some unpublished. Also spent 10 years on deviantart posting stuff that nobody saw. Only got people notice when I started posting on Social Media. I was working on a comic called “Berserker” when I started my facebook page. The comic entered a hiatus, so I took the time to work on doing what I wanted to do, that is 80’s style stuff.
Since 80’s stuff is very popular I guess it was a good decision. Also the comicsgate movement, was also good for me, since it gather a lot of people that wanted something more similar to the old comic book art. Ever since i started to gain a lot followers, specially on twitter. A lot of them because of my “controversial” Captain Marvel redesing
Where are her organs? LOL
Some people got really mad about it, and it was fun to watch all the reactions. Also got some of the same stuff for other drawings like the Mia Khalifa as Ms Marvel and the recent sexy indian girl from Land o Lakes.
I also drew a comic called Cyborg USA, that is currently on indiegogo, also worked on another indiegogo called Seven Legions (made a Manga style art for that one) and currently working on my own comic, Maneater, that is available on Tapas, Webtoons and Instagram.
Cover of the first chapter of Maneater :“The black Guy and The Girl”
Currently working on Chapter 3.
So I think that is about it.
Probably will post more stuff here. Even if people don’t read it.
Ok, don’t forget to check out the print shop, let me know if there is any artwork that you like to be available for it.
I also have a Patreon, probably should add a link to it on the main page. I don’t know, maybe I can set up some kind of subscription thing here. Will see.
Ok, bye!